The contribution of Semarang State University (UNNES) lecturers in the development of science internationally is getting wider. This contribution is evidenced by the increasing number of UNNES lecturers involved in international academic activities at various top universities worldwide.
One was carried out by a lecturer of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts , Dr. Wati Istanti, M.Pd. This Indonesian Lecturer for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) is a guest lecturer at Yale University, New Haven, United States, October 8-15, 2023. Yale University is the 18th best university in the world based on QS 100 WCU.
Through collaboration with the Consortium for Indonesian Teaching (COTI), Wati introduced the Indonesian language and culture associated with the culinary field.
This cooperation was done as an implementation of the collaboration of two studies entitled “Development of BIPA Digital Dictionary Containing Central Java Culinary as an Introduction to Local Food Culture for American Students” and “Mapping the Characteristics of BIPA Learners Based on Academic and Cultural Background in the Americas”.
Under the Council of Southeast Asia Studies of Yale University, this activity received a positive response from students and leaders of the university.
According to Wati, this activity is scientifically essential and is expected to positively contribute to Indonesia’s cultural diplomacy in the international arena.
Wati’s activities at Yale University were appreciated by students there. Karina Herrera and Tate Evans, two students who attended the BIPA class, enjoyed Indonesian as a unique language. They are happy to be able to learn Indonesian and want to go to Indonesia to try food in Indonesia.
President of COTI, Indriyo Sukmono, PhD, said that research collaboration continues to be established to introduce further Indonesian to all American students.
Meanwhile, Dr Tommi Yuniawan, M.Hum. as Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts UNNES, is very supportive of the positive activities carried out by lecturers.
Besides being able to be used for IKU achievements,this programs will increase cooperation between institutions in Indonesia and abroad. It will also enhance UNNES’s reputation for providing brilliant education and international reputation.
from Universitas Negeri Semarang