SEKITARUNNES.COM, SEMARANG - Dalam rangka Dinamika Ekonomi Terpadu, Komunitas Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi (KIME) Unnes akan mengadakan event Talkshow KIOS (Kime on English Scientific Corner) dengan mengangkat tema
"Experiencing The Culture, Stepping out and Break The Limit".
Everyone has the limits,
consist of time, chance, facility. Most of them choose to be silent and let
that limits always inhabit in their lives, but a half of them choose to be
brave to come out from their comfort zone and break the limit. They fight and
struggle to create a better life. Nothing impossible until it really happens in
your life. Then what about you ? Do you have a limit ? and what will you do
with it ?
That’s why, we recommend
you to join our event to break the limits and be brave to struggle your big
dreams for your better life.
With our keynote
speakers, you will surely find their great way to step out and break the
limits. We proudly invite the first speaker, Mr. Sandy Arief, S.Pd, M.Sc from
Indonesia is an inspiring lecturer of faculty of Economics, Semarang State
University. In fact, He has been exploring more than 12 countries to do
academic trips funded by sponsors. He received international awards and grants
from Hongkong and New York, USA. His research papers published in international
and national reputable journals. And one of the fun facts during his trip is in
2007, Mr. Sandy visited Mexico city for 4 or 8 times (round-trips) in a year or
explored more than 134.768 km in one year.
The second speaker is Ms.
Kim Soyeon from Incheon, South Korea is an international student of
Diestrich-Bonhoefer-Gymnasium Hilden (Advanced High School), Germany. As a
student, she speaks four language, they are German, English, Spanish, and
naturally in Korean. Besides that, she also speaks basic Indonesian. The fun
facts of Ms. Kim are she loves horse riding, tennis and golf. Based on her
experience as a volunteer, in 2016 she taught German to Asylum seekers and now
she teaches English and assists kindergarten teachers in Griya Bahtera Kasih
orphanage in Semarang, Indonesia.
Moreover, this talkshow
will be moderated by Jariyah, the second runner up of understanding student of
UNNES 2016 and David Indra Gunawan, the accounting ambassador 2016, faculty of
KIOS CORNER will be held
on Sunday, 14th May 2017 at Auditorium Faculty of Economics,
Semarang State University at L1 Building – 3rd floor starts from 7am. If you
are interested to join, register your self of C3 building, faculty of economics
or register by texting a message with the following format :
Number_Cash/Transfer and send to 085-641-878-686 ( Indah ). You can also transfer
your payment to BRI-0136 010266651 501 ( a.n Sri Maryani ) and give payment
confirmation to 0822-4241-5411 ( a.n Sri Maryani ). Registration deadline is
May, 7th 2017.
In addition, this
talkshow will delivered in English language of course for improving our english
skill. Also, in this event we will show you an incredible korean K-Pop
flashmob, cooking challenge ‘ PECEL VS KIMBAB ‘. The most special things is
that our speakers will wear their own traditional costumes. Miss Kim will wear
a glamour handbook and Mr. Sandy will wear a gorgeous Beskap. It is
interesting, isn’t it ?
So, don’t wait for a long
time, just register and enjoy the discussion of incredible culture between
Korea and Indonesia. See you in the event!!
Will be held on
📆 Sunday, 14th May 2017
🏬 Auditorium Faculty of Economics, Unnes ( L1 Building- 3rd floor)
💷Only 25 k
📋Registration format
Name_Institute_ Phone number_Cash/Transfer Registration
Send to 085 641 878 686 (Indah)
C3 Building Faculty of Economics (Lt1 - 1st floor)
Transfer via Bank BRI 0136 01026651 501
📲 Transfer Confirmation 082 242 415 411 (Sri Maryani)
Deadline of Payment: 7th May 2017
🎊Special performances
💿 K-pop dance
🍔Cooking show
More info
085 641 878 686 (Indah)