Wednesday, 27 September 2023

UNNES Lecturer Collaborates in Research with The University of Cambridge and Becomes Visiting Professor in Austria

International recognition of Semarang State University (UNNES) lecturers is growing. One of them is evidenced by the work of a lecturer in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Dr.rer.nat. Adi Nur Cahyono, M.Pd.

As a researcher, he will conduct collaborative research with one of the best universities in the world, the University of Cambridge, England. In addition, for two months, he had the opportunity to be a visiting professor at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. 

Adi’s joint research and publication activities are entitled “Artificial Intelligence-based Motion Capture in Virtual Reality for Enhancing Creative STEAM Education.” This activity will take place from September 26, 2023, to October 5, 2023.

In addition to conducting collaborative research, Adi is scheduled to be a visiting professor at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, in a doctoral program at the Department of STEM Education. There, he will teach two courses, namely Advanced Research Method in Education 1 and Introduction to Research Method in Education 1.

The event runs from October 5, 2023, to December 1, 2023, and is part of the Austrian Teaching Fellow Program.

There are a series of activities scheduled for the UNNES FMIPA lecturer while at Johannes Kepler University Linz: being a co-promoter for Ph.D. students, conducting joint research and publication in the Virtual Reality STEM Trails Project, and being part of the preparation of international consortium collaboration project proposals.

Before conducting collaborative research and becoming a visiting professor, Adi gained international recognition through the publication of scientific papers, including his books. 

The man who completed his doctoral degree at the University of Frankfurt wrote a book titled Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment, published by Springer. 

He also created the MathCityMap application, a mathematics learning application that packages mathematics learning in the form of trails in the immediate environment. 

UNNES Rector Prof. Dr. S Martono appreciated Adi’s achievements and encouraged him to continue collaborating with other world-class scientists. According to him, collaborative research with the world’s best universities will significantly improve the quality of education and UNNES publications.

from Universitas Negeri Semarang

Sunday, 24 September 2023

UNNES Conducts Urine Tests on 10,928 Students to Create a Drug-Free Campus

In an effort to ensure that all of its students are free from narcotics and dangerous drugs, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) has conducted urine tests on all new students of the 2023 intake.

This initiative by UNNES is part of its commitment to nurturing students with noble character in line with the nation’s culture.

Prof. Dr. Zaenuri, M.Si., Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at UNNES, stated that the urine tests were carried out in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Central Java Province. A total of 10,928 new students underwent testing in stages.

“This is crucial to ensure that UNNES students are drug-free and possess good character,” he emphasized.

The urine tests were conducted over the weekend (September 23-24) at UNNES Sekaran Campus in Gunungpati, Semarang City.

On the first day, students from the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Engineering (FT), and Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) were tested.

On the second day, students from the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Education and Pschycholgy (FIPP), and Faculty of Law (FH) underwent testing.

Prof. S Martono, the Rector of UNNES, expressed the university’s commitment to becoming a drug-free campus. He assured that UNNES would continue to ensure a comfortable and drug-free learning environment.

Previously, UNNES had signed a cooperation agreement with the National Narcotics Agency of Central Java Province. Brigjen. Pol. Drs. Heru Pranoto, M.Si., the head of the agency, commended UNNES for its consistent efforts in preventing drug abuse.

The implementation of early detection of drug distribution and abuse through urine screening is one of the implementations of the memorandum of understanding between UNNES and BNN, aligning with UNNES’s vision of character conservation. In addition to early detection, UNNES and BNN have agreed to continue educating students.”

“This commitment must be upheld collectively. What UNNES is doing is of great importance, and we hope that other universities will follow suit,” he remarked.

from Universitas Negeri Semarang

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Dosen FIPP UNNES Paparkan Pendidikan Inklusi di University of Queensland, Australia

Empat dosen Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Psikologi Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) menjadi dosen tamu di University of Queensland, Australia. Mereka memaparkan implementasi pendidikan inklusi di Indonesia dalam kegiatan di School Education, University of Queensland, Australia.

Keempat dosen tersebut adalah Dr Barokah Isdaryanti SPd MPd, Liftiah, PhD, Petra Kristi Mulyani Med PhD dan Moh Farizqo Irvan MPd.

Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari kolaborasi riset dengan mitra Universitas QS Top 100 dunia yaitu University of Queensland yang menempati peringkat QS 43 dunia yang diwakili oleh Assoc Prof Shiralee Poed.

Kegiatan guest lecture dilaksanakan secara hybrid di dalam kelas dan menggunakan platform zoom yang dihadiri oleh Head of School, School of Education University of Queensland Professor Robin Shields, dosen, dan mahasiswa baik sarajana maupun pascasarjana yang berasal dari berbagai negara.

Pada kegiatan tersebut secara bergantian dosen-dosen UNNES memaparkan materi secara bergantian sesuai dengan hasil penelitian komparasi yang telah dilaksanakan.

Dr Barokah Isdaryanti SPd MPd memaparkan tentang implementasi pendidikan inklusi di sekolah dasar Indonesia yang meliputi alur pelaksanaan, manajemen kelas, dan evaluasi pelaksanaan.

Sementara Liftiah PhD menyampaikan tentang kebijakan pendidikan inklusi di Indonesia utamanya di tingkat Sekolah Dasar. 

Petra Kristi Mulyani MEd PhD dan Moh Farizqo Irvan MPd memaparkan tentang kurikulum dan penyiapan calon guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan inklusi di lapangan.

Kegiatan guest lecture berjalan sangat menarik karena banyak pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada dosen tamu pada saat sesi diskusi. Mereka tertarik karena paparan menyajikan data yang memberikan sudut pandang tentang implementasi pendidikan inklusi pada kurikulum merdeka dalam berbagai jenjang pendidikan di Indonesia.

Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan merupakan bagian dari upaya UNNES dalam meningkatkan capaian Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) pada tahun 2023. Baik itu IKU 3, dosen berkegiatan di luar kampus. IKU 5 tentang Hasil Kerja Dosen Digunakan oleh Masyarakat maupun IKU 6, Program Studi Bekerjasama dengan Mitra Kelas Dunia.

from Universitas Negeri Semarang

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Commemorating National Sports Day, Faculty of Sports Science UNNES Ready to Advance National Sports

The celebration of the 40th National Sports Day (Haornas) 2023 at the Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) Semarang State University (UNNES) took place lively on Thursday (7/9). Through the event, UNNES established itself as a university that is ready to advance national sports through the development of science. 

In addition, UNNES is also ready to continue to produce talented athletes in various sports to realise the glory of national sports.

In his speech, the Rector encouraged the students to be boastful in advancing UNNES to National and International levels. 

As is known, FIK UNNES has long been a “village of athletes” that produces outstanding national athletes in various fields. A lot of UNNES students have won medals in international events.

“Hopefully, FIK UNNES will be more successful in advancing UNNES and national sports to the international level,” he said.

This series of activities coincides with the Declaration of The Integrity Zone towards a clean and free Area from Corruption (WBK) and  Excellent Service (WBBM) in the Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK). With the signing of the Integrity Pact, Rector hopes that FIK can provide the best service and is committed to implementing integrity.

During this time, the Rector handed a prize to a representative of a UNNES Student as well as an outstanding athlete who won medals at national and international events.

Reporter: RN Anisah

from Universitas Negeri Semarang